Attack primary target for 250% damage. In WAR, if this character has 2 or more SUPERIOR SIX allies, reduce Speed Bar for the primary target by 20%. Fill Speed Bar by 20%.
Level Required: 65
Attack primary target for 300% damage. Bonus Attack primary target for 150% Piercing per positive effect on the target. In WAR, clear 1 Charged from primary target per positive effect on the target. Gain +1 Charged. If this character has 2 or more SUPERIOR SIX allies, gain an additional2 Charged.
Level Required: 68
Attack primary target for 350% Piercing. Attack all other enemies for 280% Piercing. Clear all positive effects on the primary target. Clear 2 positive effects on each secondary target. Apply Offense Down for 2 turns and Defense Down for 2 turns to all enemies. This attack gains +100,000% Extra Focus. This attack cannot be counterattacked.
Level Required: 70
On Turn, gain +1 Charged, up to a maximum of 5. In WAR, on ally SINISTER SIX Turn, gain +1 Charged, if that ally is also SUPERIOR SIX, gain +2 Charged instead. At the end of any turn, if this character has 5 or more Charged, attack the most injured enemy for 300% damage, then lose 5 Charged. Gain +25% Piercing per Charged.
Level Required: 64