Greetings Commanders,
The path to enlightenment runs through the MARVEL Strike Force blog this week. Walk with us to gain knowledge and understanding surrounding the new Inhuman Controller, an upcoming new year calendar, the next Blitz events, and Campaign Node updates. Our journey begins in the Attilan Tower of Wisdom…
The Shatterer: Karnak
Joining the battle next is Karnak, the newest Inhuman Controller. A member of the Inhuman Royal Family, Karnak was never exposed to the Terrigen Mist (like many of his fellow Inhumans), although he still possesses extraordinary abilities. Through intense training and meditation, Karnak became an expert martial artist and has the extrasensory ability to detect weaknesses in objects or people. Karnak's martial arts abilities and his weakness detection are on full display in his kit. Karnak specializes in shattering enemies by lowering their Speed Bar, applying Slow, and removing enemy positive effects, on top of hitting for big damage.
Make your enemies realize the painful truth with Karnak:
Traits: Hero, Cosmic, Skill, Controller, Inhuman
Basic - Precise Attack
- Clear Evade and attack the primary target.
- If the primary target has a negative effect, gain bonus Crit Chance for this attack.
- This attack cannot be dodged.
Special - Crippling Blows
- Energy Cost: 6/6
- Attack the primary target, lower the Speed Bar, and apply Slow for 2 turns.
- Chain to 3 adjacent targets for damage and apply Slow for 2 turns.
- This attack cannot be counterattacked.
Ultimate - Pressure Points
- Energy Cost: 8/8
- Attack the primary target and clear all positive effects.
- If Black Bolt is an ally, gain +100,000 Extra Focus for this attack and apply Disrupted.
Passive - The Magister
- On Turn, choose 1 random enemy. If they have a positive effect, flip the positive effect to a negative effect. Otherwise apply Defense Down.
- Gain extra Focus. Gain Focus for each Inhuman ally.
- Gain Dodge chance.
We broke down Crystal's abilities in
last week's blog, but now we’re detailing Crystal's complete list of abilities:
Traits: Hero, Cosmic, Bio, Blaster, Inhuman
Basic - Fire and Ice
- Attack the primary target and apply Bleed.
- Bonus attack for damage and apply Slow for 2 turns.
Special - Rocknado
- Energy Cost: 6/6
- Attack all enemies for Piercing.
- Repeat this attack 3 additional times.
Ultimate - Coldsnap
- Energy Cost: 3/6
- Attack all enemies for damage. If an enemy has Slow, they take more Damage.
- Apply Stun to all summoned enemies.
Passive - Second Wind
- If an Inhuman ally's Health is full at the start of a match, the first time that ally drops below 50% Health, heal them and clear 3 negative effects.
- On Turn, lower the Speed Bar of the enemy with the highest Speed.
Lunar Calendar
Ring in the Lunar New Year with this upcoming login calendar. For seven days, rack up select character shards and Gold Orb Fragments while you celebrate the year of the rat.
Blue Gear Additions
If you're looking to collect more Blue Gear, we've got you covered. Blue Gear Orb Fragments are being added in the near future to the Arena Daily Objective reward and the rewards for the High Roller, Save the World!, and World Warrior Milestones. We want for players of all levels to get additional blue gear orbs.
Node & Blitz Store Changes
A fantastic character shard change is coming your way! The Thing is heading to the Blitz Store for 500 Blitz Credits. We'll also be adding more characters to Store orbs and Supplies in the near future so be on the lookout for the latest details in the coming weeks.
Quarter Blitz
It's time to turn your Blitz rewards up a notch with the upcoming Quarter Blitz. During Quarter Blitz, Blitz Charges are capped at 25 and will not scale up the more a character is used. Don't miss your chance to play more Blitz battles and earn more rewards.
Blitz Lineup
Speaking of Blitz, this week's lineup features Yo-Yo, the Inhuman Protector, and Mantis, the Guardian Controller. Recruit and rank up these powerful characters that offer both of their teams big-time sustainability during battles.
Need a Hand?
For 24 hours, Hand character shards rewarded from Campaign nodes will be doubled from 2 to 4. Make these character shards disappear -- no smoke bombs necessary!
We were planning on releasing the first Strike Time of 2020 today, but we're pushing it to January 24th.
Until next time…
Good luck, Commanders!